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Pflegeexpertin/Pflegeexperte Psychiatrie, 80–100%


(Stv.) Oberärztin/Oberarzt Innere Medizin, 60–100%


Assistenzärztinnen/Assistenzärzte für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, 60–100%



Urology jobs – open vacancies

If you are looking for urology job offers in the DACH region, you have come to the right place at med-jobs. We support you in your search for first-class career opportunities in urology in Switzerland, Germany and Austria.

Find your dream job as a urologist on med-jobs.

Our platform offers a wide range of job offers in urology, including positions for assistant physicians and senior physicians.
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Specialty/ies: Urology    

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Entries found: 710
Specialty/ies: Urology    
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Frequently asked questions about job offers in urology

What types of vacancies in urology are there on med-jobs?

There are different types of urology job opportunities such as: B. for assistant physicians in urology, senior physicians in urology, specialists in urology and clinic managers in urology. These positions vary depending on experience and qualifications.

In which countries can I find urology job offers?

On our platform you will find urology job offers in the entire DACH region, which includes Switzerland, Germany and Austria. We offer a wide range of opportunities, regardless of which of these countries you would like to work in.

How can I apply for urology job offers?

You can usually apply online via our platform by uploading your application documents and following the instructions on the respective job advertisement. Job advertisements usually contain information about the application method and the employer's contact information.
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