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Pflegeexpertin/Pflegeexperte Psychiatrie, 80–100%


(Stv.) Oberärztin/Oberarzt Innere Medizin, 60–100%


Assistenzärztinnen/Assistenzärzte für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, 60–100%



Pathology – Open job offers

med-jobs offers quality career opportunities in pathology, including:
  • Vacancies for Pathology Residents: If you would like to advance your career as a Pathology Resident, we have numerous positions available to support your professional development. nnen.
  • Job offers for specialists in pathology: We also offer exciting opportunities for experienced specialists who are looking for new challenges.
  • Job offers for specialized pathology: If you have specialized in a specific area of pathology, such as neuropathology, or are pursuing this as a focus in your career, you will also find job offers on our platform that match your interests.

Our platform brings together talented professionals with reputable employers in the field of pathology. Find your ideal pathology job in Germany, Switzerland or Austria on our platform and help diagnose and treat diseases and promote medical excellence.
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Specialty/ies: Pathology    

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Specialty/ies: Pathology    
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Frequently asked questions and answers about positions in pathology

What jobs are there in pathology?

In pathology there are various jobs such as working as an undertaker, emergency undertaker, cremation technician, thanatopractor, dissection and preparation assistant, pathologist, forensic doctor and forensic scientist. These professions play an important role in the investigation and diagnosis of illness and death.

How do you get into pathology?

To get into pathology, you have to study human medicine and then be trained as a specialist in pathology. Pathologists identify diseases and investigate their causes. They also carry out autopsies to make diagnoses. Training to become a pathologist requires extensive medical expertise and a meticulous approach.

Are there also job offers for neuropathologists on med-jobs?

Yes, on our platform you can also find job offers for neuropathologists and other specialized areas in pathology. We strive to offer a wide range of career opportunities in pathology to suit the needs and interests of our applicants. You can search specifically for positions for neuropathologists or specialize in your field to find suitable offers
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