Frequently asked questions and answers about positions in occupational medicine
How much do you earn as an occupational doctor in Germany?
As an occupational physician in Germany you earn a gross salary range of on average €96,362 to €7,771 with a weekly working time of 40 hours. The median is 50% of the records above and 50% below. What qualifications and experience are usually required for occupational medicine job offers?
Requirements may vary depending on the specific position, but in general, a medical degree (such as a doctor or osteopath), appropriate licensing and specialty certification, and experience in occupational medicine are essential qualifications. In addition, some positions may require specific certifications, such as approval as a company doctor or qualification as a “Certified Medical Examiner” (CME) to carry out occupational health examinations.
What types of employers typically offer occupational medicine positions?
Occupational health job opportunities are available in various work environments. Common employers include healthcare facilities, private practices, companies with in-house medical teams, government agencies, and occupational health clinics. The specific work environment and tasks may vary depending on the employer.