Frequently asked questions and answers about neurosurgery positions
How much do you earn as a neurosurgeon in Germany?
As a neurosurgeon in Germany you earn an average gross salary of €87,601 per year with a weekly working time of 40 hours. The lower quartile is €73,677 and the upper quartile is €104,158. Around half of the salaries are above and the other half below the median value of €73,677. (Source)
What further training opportunities and specializations are there in neurosurgery?
There are various opportunities for further training and specialization in neurosurgery, including areas of focus such as pediatric neurosurgery, spinal surgery, functional neurosurgery and vascular neurosurgery.
What tasks are involved in a position in neurosurgery?
Neurosurgeons diagnose and treat diseases of the nervous system and brain. This includes procedures to remove brain tumors, surgery for spinal disorders, and treatment of traumatic brain injuries. They also perform examinations and imaging procedures.