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Pflegeexpertin/Pflegeexperte Psychiatrie, 80–100%


(Stv.) Oberärztin/Oberarzt Innere Medizin, 60–100%


Assistenzärztinnen/Assistenzärzte für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, 60–100%



Assistant physician jobs

The number of jobs for assistant physicians is constantly increasing. On this page you will find suitable assistant physician jobs.

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Assistant physician jobs – requirement and tasks for it

Have you completed your medical studies? Then you will probably be looking for an assistant physician position. An assistant physician position is the entry-level position as a physician. In this position, you will shadow and assist an attending physician. After several years of experience and specialized training, you will reach the position as a specialist. Resident physician jobs can be found in hospitals, clinics or even private practices. Here you work in a team with senior physicians and chief physicians. An intern is in direct contact with patients, examining them, making diagnoses and giving treatments. Day by day you get to know new cases, which you deal with and discuss with your colleagues. It is clear that a doctor's position is not a normal "9 to 5 job". You work between 50 and 55 hours per week. A residency position also includes night shifts and weekend assignments. You need to have a medical degree to be eligible for a residency position. You need to be able to work under a lot of pressure and have a good sense of sensitivity. You are ultimately responsible for the health of patients.

Where to look for residency jobs

Due to changing demographics, healthcare professionals are in high demand. Resident physician jobs can be found on job boards like med-jobs or other platforms. On med-jobs you can find new assistant physician jobs every day. Resident physician jobs are listed here.

Find a medical assistant job from abroad

Switzerland is a popular country for foreign nurses and doctors. Especially for Germans and French. Either you can search for a medical assistant job in Switzerland on your own or you can also contact a recruiter. As it is, both have their advantages and disadvantages. If you have already made a few thoughts before the search, for example in which region you want to work, this simplifies the search extremely. On med-jobs you can use the geo search to find the right assistant physician job.

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