Vacancies for medicine and healthcare
med-jobs | Jobs for doctors and nurses, practice assistant and other medical professionals med-jobs | Jobs for doctors and nurses, practice assistant and other medical professionals med-jobs | Jobs for doctors and nurses, practice assistant and other medical professionals med-jobs | Jobs for doctors and nurses, practice assistant and other medical professionals
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Physiotherapeut/in, 40–100%


Médecin chef·fe de service de Réadaptation, 80–100%


Study Nurse (m/w), 80–100%

Davos Wolfgang


Doctor Jobs

Are you looking for a new job as a doctor? med-jobs is a very user-friendly job platform with several hundred top current physician specialist jobs. And there are more every day! Here you are sure to find a suitable job advertisement, whether as chief physician, specialist with FMH title or as assistant physician.

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Job as a doctor – from clinic manager to medical student

You can find a new job as a doctor in our job portal. A large number of free and open physician jobs are listed here. An advantage for you is the individual search for specialties. For example, you can use the search function to filter by neurology, surgery or general internal medicine. The job market situation for physicians is currently very favorable, which means that there are many vacancies to be filled. We are continuously striving to expand the high number of medical jobs and physician positions.

Where to look for physician jobs in Switzerland – job offers for physicians  

There are different ways to find the right physician jobs. We recommend that you carefully examine the different job offers for physicians. Depending on the company, you can benefit from various employee benefits. On med-jobs you are sure to find an attractive and well-paid physician job. If you have found a job that appeals to you. You can get information about the company and read reviews from former employees. It is certainly interesting to get the experiences and opinions of other professionals.

Finding a suitable position for a doctor from abroad

If you are looking for a physician position in Switzerland from abroad, we would like to point out the three major language regions. Without language skills of the corresponding region, a successful application is usually difficult. Switzerland is a popular destination for many doctors from Germany, France, Austria, Italy as well as from the entire European Union (EU). The high standard of living and the earnings are reasons for this. If you have a practice yourself and are looking for a new employee. You can easily advertise your doctor job or medical practice assistant job on med-jobs.

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