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med-jobs | Jobs for doctors and nurses, practice assistant and other medical professionals med-jobs | Jobs for doctors and nurses, practice assistant and other medical professionals med-jobs | Jobs for doctors and nurses, practice assistant and other medical professionals med-jobs | Jobs for doctors and nurses, practice assistant and other medical professionals
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Physiotherapeut/in, 40–100%


Médecin chef·fe de service de Réadaptation, 80–100%


Study Nurse (m/w), 80–100%

Davos Wolfgang


Medical jobs in Switzerland and Germany

Whether you are at the start of your career or an experienced healthcare professional looking for a new challenge, our platform offers you a varied choice of job offers in the medical field. Our advantage is personalized search in specific fields, which allows you to filter and display job offers relevant to your medical profession. We are aware of the diversity of medical professions and we are constantly striving to expand the offer of jobs and positions in the health sector. Our goal is to help you find your dream job in the medical field and achieve your career goals. Browse our platform, find out about the latest job offers in the healthcare field and get in direct contact with potential employers. At med-jobs, we support you on the path to a fulfilling and successful career in the medical field.

Take advantage of our platform to discover the most recent job offers in medical professions. We support you at every stage of your professional journey and help you find your place in the medical sector.

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