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Pflegeexpertin/Pflegeexperte Psychiatrie, 80–100%


(Stv.) Oberärztin/Oberarzt Innere Medizin, 60–100%


Assistenzärztinnen/Assistenzärzte für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, 60–100%



Nursing Assistant SRC Jobs

For nursing assistant SRC jobs, you usually need to have completed the nursing assistant SRK course. This course is ideal for entry-level nursing jobs. This course was designed by the Swiss Red Cross (SRC) and lasts about 35 days (120 hours). The course is especially popular with newcomers to Switzerland, as the basic requirements are lower than for an EFZ apprenticeship. A quick career start is also possible with this training. People who have successfully completed the course can then still complete the professional honor as a health professional. Nursing assistant SRK jobs – daily tasks

The nursing assistant SRK jobs include various tasks. Walking with clients, small cleaning tasks as well as making the beds are among the daily tasks in one of the numerous SRK nursing assistant jobs. Under the responsibility of nursing specialists, a SRK nursing assistant works together in a team and relieves her supervisors with her work. Nursing assistants work in hospitals, nursing homes, and other facilities.

Who is looking for a job as a nursing assistant

As described earlier, individuals with an SRK nursing assistant degree are looking for a job as a nursing assistant. Also people without SRK degree or other medical education try to find a job in nursing. Unfortunately, the chances are very difficult. Therefore, it is worthwhile for people without training to attend the SRK course.

Where to find jobs as a nursing assistant

The chances of finding a job are very high, as there are many open jobs as a nursing assistant. Open jobs as a nursing assistant SRK can be found on job boards and directly with employers. If you don't find a suitable offer on this page, you can sign up for the med-jobs search subscription and you will be informed when new jobs as nursing assistant SRK are available. For example, you will be informed when new vacancies as night guard nursing assistant become available. Finding a vacancy as nursing assistant SRK is therefore very easy.

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