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med-jobs | Jobs for doctors and nurses, practice assistant and other medical professionals med-jobs | Jobs for doctors and nurses, practice assistant and other medical professionals med-jobs | Jobs for doctors and nurses, practice assistant and other medical professionals med-jobs | Jobs for doctors and nurses, practice assistant and other medical professionals
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Physiotherapeut/in, 40–100%


Médecin chef·fe de service de Réadaptation, 80–100%


Study Nurse (m/w), 80–100%

Davos Wolfgang


Expert supervision jobs

Expert supervision jobs are very popular. Care specialists (Expert supervision ) work with children, young people, the elderly and people with disabilities.



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Specialist care jobs – the requirements

The number of open specialist care jobs has increased in recent years. In order to successfully apply for a FaBe job, there are the following requirements: In addition to the training as a specialist care EFZ which lasts three years, you must be resilient and like people. A high level of aplomb and good sensitivity round off the profile. After the apprenticeship, you can continue your education and, for example, attend a higher technical college. A possible course is the dipl. social pedagogue HF or the dipl. child educator HF. With such a higher education you can then take on more responsibility and will accordingly earn more. If you have the desire and interest to expand your knowledge, then you should certainly take a closer look at the further education courses on offer.

Find specialist care jobs

As FaBe there are four specialties these are, children, people with impairment, people in old age, generalist training. The demand for FaBe child jobs is somewhat higher than for the other specialties. Now the question may arise: Why is the demand for child care specialist positions higher? One reason is certainly that many people enjoy working with children and supporting them in their development. Compared to FaGe jobs, there are fewer FaBe jobs. Specialists in childcare work in institutions, daycare centers, but also in nursing homes and clinics. Specialist care jobs are mainly found in hospitals and clinics.

Open positions FaBe – the right one for me?

On this page you will find vacancies for FaBe. The question now is: Is this the right job for me? There are several professions in the healthcare sector. There are the classic nursing jobs, the medical practice assistants and the care specialists. In FaBe jobs, the main focus is on care. The medical knowledge is less than for a MPA or FaGe. If you are looking for suitable jobs FaBe child, you limit yourself a little in the job search. Job seekers who are interested in all four specialties will find more open positions. People who are interested in jobs for child care specialists may need a little more time to find the right FaBe job. Because after searching for "Fabe Kind offene Stellen" you will receive fewer matching results.

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