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Physiotherapeut/in, 40–100%


Médecin chef·fe de service de Réadaptation, 80–100%


Study Nurse (m/w), 80–100%

Davos Wolfgang


Doctor's secretary job offers in Switzerland and Germany

A medical secretary works in a hospital, group practice, home or clinic. Therefore, one often speaks of hospital secretary or physician assistant. On this page you can find open medical secretary jobs from med-jobs.

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Medical secretary vacancies – the requirement for them

In order to successfully apply for medical vacancies as a doctor's secretary, certain requirements must be met. The educational requirement for a medical secretary is a basic commercial education and/or training as a medical and hospital secretary or practice assistant. This means that there are several ways to get medical and hospital secretary jobs. In addition to the school requirement, medical secretaries must be knowledgeable about the healthcare field. This includes the processes and relevant systems in a hospital or clinic. Good language skills and an understanding of complex organisational units are also a prerequisite. It is possible to find a job as a medical secretary if you have good computer skills and experience in the healthcare sector. If you don't have any experience in office work, you can attend further training to become a medical and hospital secretary or attend a business school to improve your office skills. Hospital secretary jobs and medical secretary vacancies are also available on this page. Medical secretary career changers are also available, but are not often advertised. Therefore, a speculative application often has good chances.

Medical secretary jobs – what to expect

In this position, you will work closely with a doctor. This may involve, for example, keeping the doctor's agenda or obtaining documents. Writing consultation reports is one of your main tasks, as is dealing with incoming mail, emails and telephone calls. However, the main activities in medical secretary jobs can also differ and look quite different, depending on the employer.
Tips for a successful application for a job as a medical secretary

When selecting candidates who have applied for a medical secretary job, the opinion of the doctor(s) is enormously important. In these cases, HR staff serve as a support. If you do not have that much experience yet, you can gain plus points through your personality, your computer knowledge or your communication skills. It is then important that you convey this in your letter of application and interview. If you do not find a suitable job as a medical secretary, you can also look at MPA jobs, as they have a very similar profile and range of tasks. If you are looking for "medical secretary vacancies", then you have come to the right place.

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