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Pflegeexpertin/Pflegeexperte Psychiatrie, 80–100%


(Stv.) Oberärztin/Oberarzt Innere Medizin, 60–100%


Assistenzärztinnen/Assistenzärzte für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, 60–100%



Practice staff job offers in Switzerland, Austria and Germany

Finding suitable medical practice assistant jobs can be quite a challenge. A practice assistant works in group practices, individual practices or even in hospitals. Below you will find exciting Medical practice assistant jobs.

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Vacancies as medical practice assistant

The number of vacancies as a medical practice assistanthas fluctuated between 400 and 450 for the last few years, and the profession or apprenticeship is very popular among many. In 2019, it was even the seventh most popular apprenticeship in Switzerland. Medical practice assistants have a wide range of tasks. They coordinate appointments, greet customers at the reception desk and care for patients. A flair for organization and an interest in the healthcare field are prerequisites for this profession. Please note that, depending on the employer, weekend assignments are simply part of the job. Training as a medical practice assistant EFZ takes three years. Finding suitable Medical Practice Assistant jobs without training is relatively difficult. Open MPA positions can be found online as well as offline. An MPA often also looks for a job through their circle of acquaintances. Temporary positions as an medical practice assistant are also common.

Through continuous training and development, for example through a higher professional examination, your salary can increase significantly. Therefore, it is certainly advisable to take a closer look at the training opportunities in the industry.

Job offers medical practice assistant

On med-jobs, a wide variety of employers advertise medical practice assistant jobs. From large hospitals to small practices from all over Switzerland, MPA jobs are offered. If there are no exciting MPA jobs online for you, you can subscribe to the med-jobs newsletter and you will be informed when new MPA jobs are published. One profession that is very similar to medical office assistant jobs are medical secretary jobs. Often there is also an overlap of the scope of duties. Therefore, you can also check the open medical secretary jobs. Tips for a successful application for medical office assistant jobs

Often, MPAs work very closely with one or more physicians, so communication and trust with each other is very important. Tip: Before you definitely start a job, why not complete a trial day to see if you like the staff and can imagine working in the practice. Such a trial day will give you clarity and make the decision easier for you to accept the suitable position as a medical practice assistant.

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