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Klinik Schützen Rheinfelden

Bahnhofstrasse 19
4310 Rheinfelden

Phone +41 61 836 26 25

Attentive and competent.
The Schützen Rheinfelden Clinic is one of the leading private clinics for psychosomatic medicine, psychiatry and psychotherapy. With the unique clinic-in-hotel concept, we offer patients comprehensive medical treatment and care as well as a great deal of comfort and ambience.

Our clinic is on the hospital lists of the cantons of Aargau and Lucerne and is open to patients of all insurance classes. Privately insured patients enjoy attractive additional services.

Medical vacancies on med-jobs


Entries found: 5

Employer (clinic/hospital/firme): KLINIK SCHÜTZEN RHEINFELDEN    

Entries found: 5
Employer (clinic/hospital/firme): KLINIK SCHÜTZEN RHEINFELDEN    
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