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Kantonsspital Baden AG

Im Ergel 1
5404 Baden

Phone +41 56 486 21 11

Kantonsspital Baden
Around 1890 women and 482 men from 51 nations work at the Baden Cantonal Hospital. The Aarau Cantonal Hospital provides medical health care for around 300,000 people in the Aarau region. KSB is not only represented in Baden, but also at several external sites.

Baden Cantonal Hospital Jobs
Working at the Kantonsspital Baden has many advantages. Fair wages and many other benefits await the employees. Training and further education are encouraged in order to achieve a high level of employee loyalty.  

Find the right job at the Kantonsspital Baden today.

Medical vacancies on med-jobs


Entries found: 2

Employer (clinic/hospital/firme): Kantonsspital Baden AG    

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