Pflegeexpertin/Pflegeexperte Psychiatrie, 80–100%
(Stv.) Oberärztin/Oberarzt Innere Medizin, 60–100%
Assistenzärztinnen/Assistenzärzte für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, 60–100%
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Freiburgstrasse 18 3010 Bern
Phone +41 31 632 21 11
Inselspital University Hospital Bern The Inselspital University Hospital Berne is a knowledge centre with a strong significance and international appeal. A place of research and science. Around 8300 employees ensure that everything runs smoothly and help to achieve the hospital's goals. We offer highly specialized tertiary medical services - including transplantation medicine - with a pronounced interdisciplinary approach and a high quality of interpersonal care.
Jobs Inselspital University Hospital Bern A highly exciting working environment and interesting tasks are guaranteed.
Medical vacancies on med-jobs
Employer (clinic/hospital/firme): INSELSPITAL
Die Insel Gruppe bildet mit dem Inselspital, Universitätsspital Bern, den Spitälern Riggisberg, Aarberg, Belp und dem Berner Reha Zentrum Heiligenschwendi das grösste medizinische Vollversorgungssystem der Schweiz; von der Spitzenmedizin bis zur …
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